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OFFROADING SESSION W/CARACARA! || GTA 5 Online || PC (Funny Moments)

Duration: 10:38Views: 60.7KLikes: 1.6KDate Created: Dec, 2018

Channel: GTAmissions

Category: Gaming

Tags: modsnextgengtamap modscaracaratheivanehgta 5funny momentsgta vtrollinggta onlinestuntinggrand theft auto 5gta5gtavrock crawlerglitchepic stuntstop gearchernobograccoon squaddlccanisglitchescargo planefailsgtaonlineoff-roadingoff-roadfreecrawlerpegassi infurnusepicgrand theftstuntsspecial vehicle circuitgtamissionsgrand theft auto onlinelolsoffroadingoffroadfree crawler

Description: In this video: Hey ya'll! So I've been working a ton at my two jobs and have not had any time to play GTA, much less plan and record new stuff. So I pulled this footage from the recycle been and cut it together the best I could. Most of this was completed in one alcohol fueled night! I'll try to have something for ya'll next Saturday! Thanks for watching! Support me on Patreon, PLEASE!: patreon.com/gtamissions Support me with Gawkbox! (It's free!) gawkbox.com/gtamissions What to join us? Here's our discord server!: discord.gg/5weq5Pt Video Info: PC version of GTA 5, Recorded with Shadowplay, edited with Sony Vegas 12. Song #1: Rondo Brothers - Yellow Rose of Berkeley Song #2: The Green Orbs - Bike Rides Song #3: Rimsky - Where's My Banjo Please visit: nextgengta.com to join the crew! Check out my other channel: youtube.com/user/NeXtGenGTAcom

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